Load Sequencies

In: Data_base tree structure->Fatigue Analysis->Loading

There are four different types of data in this section. These are:

- load sequencies - record of the load without any related time scale;

- load histories - record of the load with related time scale;

- time scales - description of time instants at which the loads are recorded.

All three items can be either imported or input through the New command in the right-hand click popup menu on the "Load Sequencies" string in the data_base tree structure. The third possibility is to create load sequence/history within the Load Regimes dialogue.

The load needn't to be accompanied by a time scale - it could be really only sequence. There are calculation methods (most of uniaxial but also multiaxial ones), where the time scale has no effect.

If the load history has to be created within PragTic, the time scale has to be defined first. Create it in the same manner, but choose the Time Scale in the Dsc description on the top of the window Edit Load Sequencies Item. The load itself will be created in the second step by filling the appropriate column in the same table and relating the previously defined time scale in the Time scale combobox on the top.

The time scale is saved in its own data_vector, so that it could be used within more load histories.


Load Regimes


Time Scales

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